Conquest Tile Game Guide
This is the guide for the metagame: Conquest Tile Game for the Ascension RP PvP Server. It is heavily inspired by the Mouth of Yog’s (Brutal Sun) conquest game, so a big thanks to him for that and his continued input and assistance.
The aim of this metagame is to control regions of the Exiled Lands for the purpose of conquering your enemies and gaining resources and benefits for your clan.
The game is aimed for a clan size of 3+. Solo players might find this too challenging and may be better off aiding a clan that is out to control the world.
A large portion of this game is resolved “offline” but can influence and be influenced by aspects of online play.
Building Rules Distinction:
The basic building rules and limitations are still enforced where applicable. For clans and solo players not involved in the conquest game, the building restrictions are as follows:
You may have 1 Base with the introduction of Conquest Tile Game. No Outposts for clans/solo players not participating in the Conquest Game.
- Your building should scale to you or your clan (a guide is roughly 8x8x4 maximum per person, in any shape or form).
- Your build must fit your characters personalization/ trade.
If you have acquired 1 tile, you are eligible to build Outposts (detailed below).
Clan of the Week
5 Tiles
Conquesting Clans
1. Entering the Game
2. Tiles & Claiming
3. Developing, Protecting & Maintaining Tiles
3.1 Developing a tile
3.1.1 Harvest Utilities
3.1.1 Benefit Utilities
3.2 Protecting a tile
3.3 Maintaining a tile
4. Conquest Battles
5. Turn Sequence
6. Additions beyond the basic game
6.1 Artisan
6.2 Rogue
6.3 Soldier
6.4 Mystic
6.5 Devout
6.6 Thrall types
7. FAQ
1. Entering the Game
In order to enter the game, you need to be a clan. This can consist of 1 player but that player must make a clan. Note that this may be difficult for groups of less than 3.
Your clan must purchase a starting tile designated as the clan’s Capital. The Capital Tile is where your Base in the game must be built. It is the starting point and the end point for your Conquest Game, and if it is lost, you must buy a new starting point Capital, again matching your in-game Base.
A Capital Tile has to be both defeated in Conquest (offline) and live (online) to be destroyed.
Offline will signify the defeat of your forces changing your capital from Protected to Unprotected. Only then can a raid announcement be made on your base, following the normal rules for raiding.
Your first Tile costs 25 Gold to help get you started
2. Tiles & Claiming
Wild tiles are purchased with money. The cost of which is dependent on if it is a clan’s Capital and how far away it is from that Capital.
Claimed tiles must be conquered.
Each Tile also has a region property. This property defines what resources are available from Utilities that are built on that tile. The regions are as follows.
A tile costs 50 gold, +25 Gold per square away from your nearest claimed tile.
The map is divided into playable areas and unplayable areas. A playable area is a region on the map that is accessible and can support a 10x10x4 structure.
Tiles are either Wild or Claimed.
3. Developing, Protecting & Maintaining Tiles
3.1 Developing a tile
Each tile that you own beyond your Capital is considered to be an Outpost, and you can build a Utility upon it. Utilities come in two forms: Harvest and Benefit.
Harvest utilities will generate you resource token each Game turn, based on what type and which region they are in. They have upkeep in resources.
Benefit utilities have a global effect for your clan. Their upkeep takes the form of cash.
These utilities need a physical representation in the game, so that it is possible for players to scout the lands in the game. Claiming a tile allows you to build an outpost on that tile. Outposts are subject to a maximum size of 10x10x4. They follow the rules for building and should in some way represent the utility. Example: A lumber mill should look like a lumber mill.
3.1.1 Harvest Utilities
Quarry - A quarry will harvest basic ores and stone from the region.
Mine - A mine allows for the harvesting of more valuable ores.
Lumber Mill - A lumber mill will gather wood from the region
Farm (Windmill) - A simple farm that will produce plant material and meat.
Garden Nursery - A garden nursery grows lotus flowers.
Fishery - A fishery produces cooked fish and its component parts.
Harvest Utilities can be further improved by the garrison of a Named
(tier 4) Thrall.
Quarry - Smelter
Mine - Blacksmith
Lumber - Carpenter
Farm - Cook
Garden Nursery - Herbalist
Fishery - Cook
These thralls cannot be moved once placed and do not contribute to the defense of the tile, whilst using up 1 of the 10 Thrall slots available.
*note: Gold Coins generate 1/10th = 25 Gold Coins
Upkeep: 125 Steel Reinforcements OR 250 Brick OR 250 Shaped Wood Per Utility
Upkeep: 50 Silver per Worker Thrall.
3.1.2 Benefit Utilities
Capital: This allows you to claim tiles and build armies, it is the gateway for all your actions. If it falls you are kicked out of the game and must buy a new one to re-enter. All existing owned tiles become Wild if you do not re-enter by the next turn.
Bank: This Utility reduces all salaries all monetary salaries by 50%, with your subjects placing their money in the bank. This also provides a Vault on the site.
Market: Trade Goods. This reduces any material upkeep by 50%. Also, full stacks of materials generated can be sold at the game turn start for the current economic rate (communicated upon request at the start of the turn). This also provides a trade thespian, for site or hub or another Market, clan leader’s choice.
Temple: A shrine to the clan’s patron god. This will allow any healing checks being made here at +1 modifier. RP and Sacrifices here will have a more positive impact.
Barracks: This building will allow +1 increase to all garrison slots for this clan.
Training Grounds: This utility will increase the tier value of any named thralls in your army. Example: 1 Training Ground makes your tier 4 captains tier 5 for Conquest Battles.
All Benefit Utilities cost 100 Foundations, 100 Walls and 50 Ceilings (all Reinforced Stone (tier 3)) and 20 Gold to build.
They have an upkeep of 5 gold each per turn.
3.2 Protecting a tile
Each tile can support 10 thralls working on it for you. Each tile must have 1 Named Hero (thrall) to manage the Garrison.
Worker thralls use up available slots, as do any Army thralls or Utility thralls handed in.
Some utilities and Role Abilities can affect this cap.
Example: if you had a Lumbermill with a Carpenter in, you would have 9 slots left for your Garrison. If you owned land with a Barracks as well, you would have 10 slots left for Army thralls due to the additional +1 thrall slot this utility provides.
Thralls that are garrisoned at a tile contribute towards your Conquest Defence roll and, if you wanted to conquer a neighboring tile, your Offence roll.
For simplicity, thralls don’t move. When you acquire a new tile, you will need to provide new Thralls to work there or defend it.
Thralls can be fired and replaced during a game turn. However, this will affect their morale.
3.3 Maintain a tile
A tile and the content, utilities, and a garrison, all have upkeep that needs to be paid for every turn after they are placed.
These goods should be paid in a chest in the outpost for an Admin to collect before the next Game Turn.
Upkeep Summary
Jon the Nord’s Frost Wolves have 1 Capital Tile with 9 Tier 3 Archers and a Named General, as well as an Outpost with 1 Lumbermill with a Carpenter and 5 Tier 1 Archers.
His upkeep per week is :
- 5 Gold Coins for a Capital
- 270 Silver Coins for his Archers
- 50 Silver Coins for his named General
- He decides to pay 250 Shaped Wood for the Lumbermill
- 20 Silver Coins for the Carpenter
- 50 Silver Coins for the Garrison at the Lumbermill of 5 x Tier 1 Archer.
He also needs to feed all his workers and soldiers.
- He decides to treat his capital troops with 70 High-Grade Exotic Feasts
- His Lumbermill outpost he feeds 64 Mid grade Meals.
The total cash required this turn is: 9 Gold 90 Silver.
Total resources required this turn is: 250 Shaped Wood, 70 High-Grade Meals and 64 Mid Grade meals.
Failure to pay for a resource will result in it being removed. Troops go AWOL, buildings fall into disrepair. Failure to feed an army result in the army becoming Fatigued (see below).
4. Conquest Battles
Any neighboring outposts can attack an outpost next to them the turn after they have been claimed and garrisoned.
In the case of multiple declarations, the initiative is rolled by both sides. Otherwise, the attacker will always have the initiative.
The Conquest Value (CV) of both forces are calculated
A shareable spreadsheet will be available for those that don’t like to do their own maths. The CV is calculated by working out the strength of the army and the situation bonus. Strength is based on the number of thralls, with double their tier value representing the dice used.
Example: Four tier 2 thralls = 4d4 Strength. Or two tier 3 thralls and six tier 1 thralls = 2d6 + 6d2 Strength.
The bonus is the number of thrall types in the perfect position. Archers are perfect for defense, raining down their arrows. Fighters are perfect for storming an outpost, giving them a bonus on the attack.
Example: 4 Tier 1 Archer would give +8 on defense, whereas 4 Tier 1 Fighter would give +4 on defense.
Conquest Value Calculator (<--Click HERE)
The Sheet Calculator using LINK ABOVE ( T1 Archers and 1 T4 Archer)
During Resolution the Conquest Value is rolled for both sides. The higher result is the Victor, the lower is the Defeated. A Draw is resolved as both sides being Defeated.
Conquest Resolution
The victor successfully defeats the opposition. If this is the Attacker with initiative, the enemy force is completely removed from the game. Either they were all killed or have fled into obscurity. The victors, if going against the same number of combatants or more, will become Fatigued.
Fatigued armies cannot attack and defend at half strength until restored.
Victors if attacking can choose to Raze, Occupy or Siege (for Capitals) a tile as a Victory Decision.
Razing a tile will destroy any utilities on the tile and the clan razing will gain half the tile’s cost in gold, the tile will become a Wild Tile.
In order to Occupy a tile, the clan must supply a garrison with the minimum requirement of a named thrall to lead it. The clan then has ownership of the tile and its utility.
Siege a tile will simply remove a tile’s Protected status and leave it vulnerable for the attacker to raid via a raid announcement on Discord. This is only really viable against Capital tiles.
Victors if defending are not fatigued when they are victorious.
Defeated armies and supporting thralls are completely removed from the game if their tile is taken by an enemy.
5. Turn Sequence
Each turn is one week long.
During the Build Phase, you can make any of the actions below, the order of which is not important. Claims are on a first come, first served basis. Midnight server time for the time period is the absolute last moment to make a declaration. Any declarations will be ignored after this time.
The week is divided into three phases: Build Phase, Action Phase, and Resolution Phase.
Build Phase runs from Monday to Friday.
During the Build Phase you can:
- Buy an unclaimed tile
- Build a utility
- Garrison a tile
Action Phase runs on Saturday.
- Pay upkeep
- Feed garrisoned troops
- Declare attacks
- Recover troops
Resolution Phase runs on Sunday.
- Admins collect upkeep and resources from outposts.
- Conquest Rolls are resolved
- Victory Decisions are made
Build Phase
Get of Fenris submit their claim on Tuesday for the tile J4. It is not claimed at the point in which they post the declaration. They place the money and the tile commander in their conquest box inside their base. An admin will come and collect between Tuesday and Friday and mark the declaration via a tick in Discord.
Action Phase
Get of Fenris indicate that they are ready to pay the upkeep for the outpost and have placed it in a chest at the outpost in game. An admin will come and collect the money and the resources. They have also decided that they will attack J3 from J4. Caer Corwell who owns J3 has said they will attack J4, after seeing this declaration.
Resolution Phase
An admin rolls dice in the Resolution Phase channel to see who goes first, then calculates the CV for both armies and posts asking for the clans to make their rolls. If they haven't made their rolls by 5 pm, the admin team will roll for them and post the results.
6. Additions beyond the basic game
Roles have an effect in the conquest game.
6.1 Artisan
An Artisan may choose a single tile, allowing for an extra utility to be built upon it. The utility costs the normal amount but the Artisan can be considered occupying it and part of the garrison, effectively fulfilling the role of a Named Thrall. They do not need to be paid any upkeep or fed.
Disadvantage: If this tile falls to conquest, the Artisan takes a health level of damage.
6.2 Rogue
Rogues can attempt to assassinate a thrall on a tile occupied by an enemy clan. They can target any thrall, but not another character. This action may be performed once per turn. The Action is declared in Action Phase and Resolved in Resolution Phase with a 1d6 roll. The Rogue needs to roll over the tier of the thrall.
Example. To kill a tier 4 commander the Rogue must roll 5 or 6. If the commander of the garrison is killed, the army is considered Fatigued from the demoralization until a new commander is supplied.
Disadvantage: A roll of 1 is always a failure and the Rogue takes a wound.
6.3 Warrior
A warrior can lead a garrison. They are considered to be the equivalent of a tier 5 thrall, but they do not add a bonus to attack or defense.
Disadvantage: If they are defeated in conquest, they take a health level of damage.
6.4 Mystic
Mystics can maintain a curse on any single tile. Cursing a tile will half the production of a harvest utility, and any troops garrisoned there are considered Fatigued. It is also recommended that the Mystic construct some kind of hex upon the tile in the game.
Disadvantage: A Mystic maintaining a curse is so full of corruption they cannot be healed.
6.5 Devout
Devouts can choose a tile each turn, while occupying the tile the inhabitants may ignore the effects of Fatigue.
Disadvantage: If they are defeated in conquest, they take a health level of damage.
6.6 Thrall Types
Some thralls can serve in the garrison and have different effects. They do however take up one of the garrison slots. You can have one of each and they require upkeep just like a fighter or archer.
An Entertainer in your army will give allow you to reroll any dice for a force of that tier or below. So a tier 1 Entertainer will allow you to reroll your Conquest strength for any tier 1 thralls in the garrison, once per turn. A tier 4 Entertainer will allow you to reroll for all tier 4 or lower thralls once per turn. A trained captain (tier 4) will be too high, as will a player character.
A Priest adds a morale bonus to attack and defense equal to their tier. This is doubled if on a tile with a Temple.
7. FAQ
There will be 3 channels in discord for people to post their actions, one for each phase.
We will need some dice types adding plus a spreadsheet for the calculators available.
Can I build on a tile that has been claimed by a different clan?
Yes if you or your clan is not in the conquest. There can be only 1 capital or outpost per tile.
How do I destroy a capital?
You will need to attack it through conquest to remove the garrison protecting it. Then you will need to raid it through online raid process.
How many tiles can a clan own at once?
Can I move my tile claim once it is purchased?
Once a tile is purchased, the only way to move it is to rescind your claim to the land and purchase a new tile to build on instead. You must also remove any existing capitals or outposts from the tiles.