Recently, a cult of mystics calling themselves the Dark Sun have been seen abroad collecting occult books and tomes. While a group worshiping skeletal Dragons defends the Unnamed City from interlopers and mystics that would steal its secrets. A great storm ravaged the lands and scoured many homes from its surface. A dark creature from beyond the stars silhouetted against the red clouds as lightning struck and boiling sands fell on its people. Those that survived have crawled from their caves to find their homes are gone and an eerie foreboding on the air.
The lands of Ascension

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The Lands of Ascension were once home to an ancient race, but in these modern times, it is used as a prison for all Hyborean people to send their unwanted, their exiles and their criminals. Some come to the lands deliberately to gain access to its secrets and its hidden power. Others to carve out their own kingdom, some just to continue their path of bloody destruction and wanton Cruelty.
Long ago in the lands of Ascension, the warring factions came to an agreement. Realizing that unable to carry a legacy of what they built here, that with the inability to make peace they would kill themselves to extinction, with their wars and grudges. The wisest among them

came together to build a neutral ground where they could try their skills at diplomacy. Peace could not always be brokered but a place to drink and trade was worth the effort to keep. From that day Riverrun has stood at the mouth of the river, central to the lands. It has enjoyed many days of peace and the odd barfight. The traders who came to this land appreciate the opportunity for coin and thus it has stood. Newcomers to the land quickly learn not to cause trouble, as much as there are warlords and would-be conquerors, armies need let off steam and traders need to trade.