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Chapter 1: PvE / Building - Building and PvE guidelines


Chapter 2: PvP - Rules for conflict with other players


Chapter 3: Territory - Rules for the Ascension RP PvP Conquest Game


Chapter 4: RP - General roleplaying related rules


Chapter 5: Miscellaneous - Clan, alt, and server chat rules

Chapter 6: Social - Expectations for behavior towards other players in-game and on Discord

Chapter 1: PvE / Building

Having building restrictions in place has a high level of importance to server RP environment and to the servers physical health. The more unnecessary structures placed around the map, the more the database has to save meaning the longer it takes to load, the more impact it has on the server's performance negatively.


Due to this, the building has the following guidelines:



Building Rules / PvE rules


- Your building should scale to you or your clan. 

   - Example: Do not build a castle or village for yourself or a clan that is 3 players or less large. A good rule of thumb is 8x8x4 per person that is 256 squares occupied with building placeables. 

- Your build must fit your characters personalization/ trade.

   - Example: Castles are for lords and ladies, not merchants, hunters, etc.

- No foundation stacking.

   - Foundations are floors and not walls

- Do not build inside dungeons.

- Do not build ‘boss/NPC traps/bunkers’

   - Structures to benefit you in an easy way when fighting hard NPCs

- Do not block major footpaths and entrances to key locations.

- Keep walls around your base tight to your base.

   - Having massive open unused space of land inside your base would be considered a violation

- Do not randomly place structures around the map to claim land.

   - Foundations claim territory which counters players to build in that location. If you're not using that location; do not place foundations or other structures.

- Lonely crafting stations/bedrolls 

   - Those entities placed will be removed if found randomly placed, these must be apart of a base unless they are only for temporary use only

- NPC Camps/city building isn’t allowed. (Unless permitted)

   - If you are caught building in an NPC spawn zone, a member of staff will give you a discretionary amount of time to pack up and move.

- The building must make sense.

   - We do not allow floating buildings, keep everything within the rules of physics

- Be creative: No cube bases… Like seriously… It’s not hard.

- Entity / NPC limitations:

   - Fish traps / Shellfish traps = 5 MAX collectively 1 wheel of pain (WoP) per clan at a time.

      - Wheels must have a camp-like environment to them, meaning that you should decorate them (no foundations) to give a better visual. (You could add tents, a campfire, and bed) this only applies if they are placed away from base or outpost.

   - 3 combat thralls or pets per person in a clan (30 in a clan maximum collectively)

      - Thralls should not have the Sword of Crom equipped as thralls do not run out of stamina. If this is discovered, admins will remove that thrall and its equipment with no compensation.

- No private map rooms.
   - An open map room is provided for you at the hub. That will be the only map room placed on the map. Any map room owned by any players are subject to being destroyed
- Only an outpost per tile owned
   - An outpost mustn’t be a large structure, for example, an entire castle. 
   - Outposts don’t need admin approval.

Chapter 3: Territory


Ascension RP-PvP uses tile ownership based approach to territory via the Conquest tile metagame. A summary is provided below but if you have any further questions please feel free to ask an admin.




































Each tile has 2 states:


   - Wild

   - Claimed

Prior to being built on and the admins being informed of it, a tile is considered Wild and any bases constructed here are subject to a Raid (see Raid Rules), provided the owner/one person from the clan owning the structure are online. Additionally, claiming a tile means that is it is considered Wild for Everybody but the claimant, unless the claimant grants permission to other inhabitants of the tile.

Chapter 2: PvP

General PvP Rules


Types of PvP


We have categorized PvP into different types as the goals and aspects of the pvp change depending on those types.


Firstly there is Duel/Arena PvP which is a contest between players or groups with a clearly defined ruleset for the situation and prizes and consequences. For this type of PvP, you can default to our rules or agree on the rules in advance between you.


Secondly, there is a Skirmish PvP. This is PvP that has arisen due to RP, and generally speaking heat of the moment. This is the baseline for all PvP that occurs in the natural course of your character’s lifespan. As such all other types will reference the rules within that section, below.


Lastly, there is Battle PvP and Raid PvP. Both of these types are organized mostly OOC due to the scale of the conflict. They might involve one or more clans but the objectives can be agreed to be specific and the consequences as well.


There are 4 types of PvP that are governed in this ruleset (OOC fights notwithstanding).


   - Duel / Arena

   - Skirmish

   - Battle

   - Raid



This is the inevitable conclusion of RP or character motive. It can involve any number of sides or opponents. Consequences will follow the standard PvP Consequence rules. 


To initiate, “/shout PvP Ready” and give up to 5 minutes for people in the area to shout back. Grab a screenshot of the ready check. The person who started the PvP Ready check must then “/shout Go”. If you did not respond ready, you are unable to take part and must stay out of the fight or stand still out of the way until it's finished, you are considered to have surrendered. If you wish to flee you must state “Ready” and run after the initiator has said, “Go”.


Should an individual or group arrive mid-fight and wish to join in, they must wait until after the PvP encounter has ended and then initiate RP PvP with the victor, any players who are defeated may not participate in subsequent fights. In this situation, PvP consequences are also only dealt with once there are no more combatants remaining.


NOTE: There should be a minimum of two days between hostile clans skirmishing to reduce un-fun or unplayable harassment. Unless consent is given by both parties.



This is a pre-arranged fight between two sides, organized mainly by two clan heads and can involve the presence of an admin for arbitration.


Objectives, rules restrictions, and looting can supersede the Skirmish rules. If they can be agreed upon. Otherwise, default to Skirmish. 


Example RP Motivations for Battles.


Get off my land - If you have a base and someone builds in the same tile, you might arrange a battle to turf them out. Set sides to be competitive, agree that if you win, they would need to upsticks and leave. If they win, you have to let them stay for a significant time period (Two weeks for example).


Holy War - If a temple to a god you don't like is in the area, you can arrange a battle for its destruction or desecration. The consequences agreed beforehand that as the victor you can destroy the shrine and they cannot erect a new one in the tile (region) for a significant time period.


Rescue - You can set the battle at the base of an enemy arrange a time that they would have the lowest number of guards. (5 is minimum) if you win they can release their prisoner into your care. If they win you must give them another prisoner!


Default rules are usually between 5 and 10 people in a battle. Normal PvP Consequences. Pets and thralls are limited to 1 per person. There is by default a week cool-off for battles, though clan leaders can waive that time period down to 48 hours.




Raids are defined as property destruction for the purpose of Loot.


   - In order to raid a structure or village. The raiding clan needs to declare a raid in the Raid Announcements channel on Discord. They should give their reason, whether it be simply to loot or for RP.

   - The raid target then should reveal if they are Protected or not. 

   - The raiders then need to remove the Protected Status, in order to carry out the raid. 


What is meant by Protected?

A structure if built upon a claimed tile with a Garrison, within the Conquest Game can be considered to be Protected. This is automatic if the structure is owned by the clan that owns the tile. If the structure belongs to a clan that is squatting or renting land, then the Clan who owns the Garrison can claim to be protecting its residents if a Raid declaration is posted.


Non-Conquest Clan vs Conquest Clan 


In order for a clan that is not playing conquest to raid a clan that has a garrison on their base or outpost they need to hire a mercenary army in the Build Phase (Monday to Friday), declare the attack on the Action Phase (Saturday) and win the battle on (Sunday). This will allow them to organize a raid, using the base raid rules. Mercenaries are paid per week.


Mercenary Company Costs


   - Archer - 50 silver per tier (max tier 4)

   - Warrior - 1 gold per tier (max tier 4)


9 slots are available, a Soldier character needs to lead the army.

Once the protection is removed, a raid event can take place in game.


Ideally the raider and the target come up with a mutually beneficial time in order to resolve the raid through fun, competitive PvP. 


Once the Protected status is removed the Raider should post a time for the raid, the target has 24 hours to respond with Flight or Fight.


   - Flight means that NO PvP takes place, but an RP encounter can be played out. The raiders get the Loot, but are not allowed to cause any base destruction. Each member of the target clan must roll a dice, on a 4+ they have escaped into the wild. On 3 or less they can choose to RP capture (see PvP consequences) or they can opt to skip and take a wound.

   - Fight means that the defenders can pick a time to put up a fight. They must work with the raider to have a time to fight, within a week of the announcement, to both groups satisfaction.


If all defenders are defeated they are rounded up and subject to PvP consequences to the victors on top of the Loot. If all the attackers are defeated, they are subject to PvP consequences in Addition to a wound taken in battle.


   - Attackers may use explosives and cause property damage to get access. This should be focused on the doors, but defenders expectations should be managed, there will be some destruction beyond this with shockwaves, etc.

   - Defenders cannot have people outside of clan help unless they live on the same tile and even then up to a maximum of 10.



A raid target should place a loot box on their premises and put a cache of gold. This should be a minimum of 5 gold per player in the clan. If not an admin will build the cache based on what is in your storage and in the target’s wallets, to make the Loot as close as possible to the target cache amount.




If you are attacking someone’s structure during Raid PvP, you must have acknowledged PvP intent. We don’t want anyone to foundation wipe or inflict major build deconstruction unless the player you are raiding has consented otherwise. By default, we want the raiders to aim for doors/gates and not the walls or roofs.


Offline raiding is strictly prohibited.

If a clan is thought to be inactive, 6 hours to respond to a discord post is sufficient.


Health System


Every character has 4 health states.




In this state, your character is unhindered in any way shape or form. This can include having scars or recovery after being maimed.


Example: Someone could have lost an eye and be Healthy but with one missing Eye. 


While in this state no penalties exist, it is the best place to be.




When wounded the player must roleplay being not at their best. RP descriptions must reflect this, such as being bandaged, holding a broken arm, etc. However for mechanics you can still go out adventuring, fight and defend yourself. Although, in this state you are only one step away from Mortally Wounded and your RP should reflect that. In any dice rolls you may find it reasonable to take a penalty in this state. This is not a desirable state to be in.


Mortally Wounded


In this state you are close to death. Movement is painful and should wherever possible done with assistance. You cannot fight in this state. All RP should be reflective that the character is only awake through force of will.




Your character is an unmoving corpse. At this point you should consider a new character, this one’s story has come to an end.


When recreating a character, your level will be restored minus 10 levels (e.g. if you are level 80 and recreate, you will be restored to level 70). However, you must evidence your level before recreating, this can be done by screenshotting it and sending it to an admin prior to recreating your character.


Injury and healing




This occurs when you are defeated in the game. The Game respawns you back at your bed, but IC you have been injured.


Originally this system included PvE deaths, however the server utilises Emberlight: Lament in order to add penalties for dying. As a result, PvE related deaths have no bearing beyond what you want to enforce upon yourself.


PvP deaths, the true threat of the game, will always drop you down the health track and have no ‘cap’. The only exception is if a player defeats you and they opt to “disable” instead.


Example: Nubia strikes Gwyn down, when Gwyn runs back to her body to resolve Consequences.  Nubia states that she instead knocked him senseless with the flat of the blade so that she can RP or capture Gwyn.


Home warp is not to be used in combat or to escape PvP. Event related deaths will be considered PvE and will not count towards your health counter, unless specified in the event description.




Moving back up the track is done by healing. Those with the ability can write in the #health-system for the administration when they have successfully heal another character.


Healing from Wounded 

may be attempted once per day


This is fairly easy even for the most novice of healers. Another reason to catch injury early. The Healer must RP with the injured the applying of bandages, the speaking of prayers or the application of ointments. Whichever is most appropriate to your brand of healing. At some point during the RP scene, the Healer must emote their action with the player name.


Example: Zel applies his special alchemical mixture to some bandages and begins to wrap them around Gwyn’s chest, the smell is pungent from the Green paste.


At which point the healer makes a dice roll in discord in Health-channel by typing !roll and hand in the Healing Token that they have acquired due to their role when they next see an admin. A roll of 3+ is a success, a 1 or 2 is a failure. Failure means that they will need to try again in 24 hours.

Note: if they perform this action on themselves, the cost is doubled.


Healing from Mortally Wounded 

may be attempted once per day


This is more difficult and involves intense RP, the injured party is very badly injured and could die at any moment.


The healer must sacrifice some of their health essence (drop down a health state) and provide 5 x Healing Tokens to an admin when they next see one, when they make the dice roll in the #health-system channel on discord. The emote they perform must include their own sacrifice.


Example: Ren prays to Gullah on the Altar looking down at the pale Maya, who is murmuring feverishly close to death. She takes the blade and cuts across her own chest and palms, squeezing her fists as her own blood trickles down into Maya’s mouth. She calls to Great Gorilla to give Maya strength to return back from Death’s door.


A roll of a 3+ is a success. The player is restored back to Wounded. On a 1 or 2 failure occurs, the price is still paid.

Note: it is not possible to heal yourself in this state


Multiple Devouts


If more than one Devout of the same faith is present during the healing attempt. By posting a screenshot of the ceremony showing the extra priests. You can gain a free re-roll per extra priest in the ritual.
















When defeated by another player in a scenario not defined in an Event or Battle or Duel. The consequences are as follows:


You are moved down the health track, unless you make an offer to your opponent to accept: Loot or Capture.




The attacker, or a scavenger should they have delegated to one, can pick an item or stack to carry away from your inventory, taskbar or equipment. Any one item or stack.




An RP option. You become their prisoner to do with whatever they like within the realms of consent. (Be warned this could still result in injury, so come to an out of character agreement before hand or agree to this with a player you trust to RP a mutual conclusion). See Torture for gaining information. Note: mutual consent trumps all, these rules are for non consent and/or fade to black scenarios)


The attacker can choose to KO, instead of Injure. If given more offers by the defeated may choose them instead.




This may occur when the need arrives for gaining information from a captive. Adult level RP may only occur if all involved parties consent. If consent is given, have a safe word or discuss out of character any boundaries. 


During any torture RP, or in the case of skip to lack of consent, the torturer can /roll 1d6 if you refuse to give the information they are looking for. The act of torture moves you further down the health track. If you are dead, your worries are over.


If the result is 4-6 you must tell the torturer what they wish to know, if the result is 1-3, you can either feign death to escape or tell your captor false information, after which point you should be released out of character.


Note on Capture


Capture RP does not automatically mean consent to rape, torture or any other BDSM RP to be played out. You need specific consent from a player for this. This should also out of courtesy be arranged around playtimes. The captured should not rot in a cell while you are offline. You need to “entertain” them. In terms of hostile RP or interrogation if no consent given, use an RP dice roll, to decide the spilling of information on the threat of torture. (see RP Dice rolls). Any death or injury in this stage will result in the victim appearing on their bed, RPing a harrowing experience.


KoS (Kill on Sight)


Generally speaking, KoS is not allowed. An exception to this is during Assassin Events (see below).


Assassination Events


There are two types of bounties available to players.


The first type is an Open Bounty. These follow the usual rules of PvP in all aspects and are arranged by players for other players. For a small fee these bounties can also be posted in the Thieves Guild. 


The second type is an Assassin’s Contract. These have to go through the Thieves Guild, and are only available to the Rogue role. The rules below will cover the intricacies of the Assassin’s Contract.


Assassin’s Contract


A non-Rogue player can post a contract, but the minimum fee for the Guild to take it on is the level of the player divided by 2 rounded down.


Example: a level 63 player would have a 31 Gold Contract.


This money is paid up-front, and it will be posted in the Rogue role channel and on the noticeboard at the Guild. No refunds are provided for the contract once it has been paid for.


At this point the target is informed out of character by the admin team and is given two options: 


   - Normal mode

   - Hardcore mode


Normal mode


This will be acted out in the normal mode of PvP, with PvP intent being declared by the assassin as usual. The one exception to normal mode PvP is that Rogue characters can opt to use their special ability of 2 levels of injury incurred on a successful kill. This includes poison or environmental related deaths during a PvP fight after PvP intent is declared.


Example. Randy the Rogue initiated pvp intent coming across Jon the Blind out gathering resources, chases Jon the Blind off a cliff. Jon is defeated from the fall. Randy climbs down the cliff and delivers a mortal blow to make sure. Jon goes from 3/3 to 1/3 levels of Health, but crawls off after the fight, to maybe fall off a cliff another day.


Hardcore mode


The victim opts to go Kill on Sight (KoS) and is given a rank from the admin, indicating that they are up for some hardcore PvP.  It is bright red in chat, signalling that this player has a death wish. 


Rogue role characters can initiate PvP with a KoS flagged player at anytime. 


In return for this, the KoS player has check-in points at any urban centre (2 currently: the Riverrun tavern and Sepemeru tavern) from which they can pick up a Quest Token once every couple of hours, which can be exchanged for gold or experience at the hub.

Also, the KoS victim can permanently kill the assassin that tries to kill them if they defeat the assassin in PvP, such are the risks of the job of a hired killer. If a KoS target kills an assassin the Guild can choose to close the contract, or send another killer. If they choose to keep the contract open, the KoS target can choose normal or hardcore again.


















































Chapter 4: RP

Character Creation


In addition to the normal procedure of you creating your Character in the editor and writing a backstory for them, we also Offer to give them a role, depending on their backstory.

In the gameworld, you will find Thespians that offer interactions to different roles as well as other useful bonuses. (Note: roles require application due to the RP advantages they offer, except warrior which should be common)


The list includes:

   - Soldiers - Brutes, mercenaries, killers, crusaders, etc. (No application necessary)

   - Rogues - Thieves, assassins, scouts, etc.

   - Mystics - Sorcerers, witches & necromancers.

   - Devouts - Followers of the divine, god choice is more important for this role than any other.

   - Artisan - Blacksmiths, builders, carpenters, etc.


When recreating a character, your level will be restored minus 10 levels (e.g. if you are level 80 and recreate, you will be restored to level 70). However, you must evidence your level before recreating, this can be done by screenshotting it and sending it to an admin prior to recreating your character.




Characters must have a name appropriate for Conan lore. Names should be as original as possible and not taken directly from other characters in popular culture, e.g. Legolas, Harry Potter, etc.


Titles should also only be roleplayed and not included in a name, e.g. a character called Leo who is a King should simply be called Leo and the title should be referred to in roleplay.


If your name is inappropriate for the server, an admin will help you to choose a new one to use instead. They are also able to help in instances where you have made a mistake in naming your character.




Your character should have a background that is consistent with the Conan lore. Creative character backgrounds are always best, but if you are uncertain about whether something is suitable to be included (e.g. reference to existing characters within the lore), the admins are here to help.


Please note: If you would like any aspect of your background to manifest, indicate so to an admin and perhaps NPC (non player characters) will appear to help add some extra flavour to your story. We actively encourage interesting and interactive stories.


Also to indicate one of the following roles that you are aiming to be, could bring in game benefits as well as the RP implications


Soldier - can through good roleplay/community spirit recover a life to show their hardiness.


Artisan - through decent roleplay/community spirit, could gain access to materials.


Mystic - through decent roleplay/community spirit, could gain access to lore/materials.


Devout - through decent roleplay/community spirit, religious event organisation, gain access to tile knowledge, communing with the oracles and boons from their gods.


Rogue - through decent roleplay/community spirit, access to Assassination events, information gathering, thieving opportunities run by Admins.


Adult Content & Consent


Ascension RP uses a mod called ‘Conan Sexiles’ featuring intimate animations (sex) for players, thralls and restricting apparels like shackles, cuffs and collars. Using this opens up methods to bring adult content into Conan Exiles and as much fun it can be, you must be considerate for others that may find open intimate interactions wrong.


Consent is a must that will apply to everyone. Before engaging with another person in intimate scenarios, torture, capture, rape, and mutilation RP must be agreed upon with the other player you want to inflict the action on. If the player consents to you OOC then you are free to follow up with the RP they have consented to; remember to be clear about the topic you are referring to. Do NOT be vague.


If a player does not consent to the actions then you must NOT do the action. Ignoring their consent or forcing them to do so will result in a likely ban. We take this very seriously for all players.




Metagaming is using out-of-character (OOC) knowledge in-character (IC) to benefit yourself against other characters for whatever the reason.


This is simply not allowed on this server. We do not allow Metagaming whatsoever and will result in a serious warning for minimal punishment.


Dice Rolling


If you wish to attempt to force an action in roleplay, you must dice roll unless agreed otherwise. You and the affected player should use the /roll 1d6 command to determine the outcome of an action; if the initiator rolls highest, they are successful, if the defending player rolls highest, the action fails. If the roll is a draw, then you should roll again until one player rolls higher than the other.


In instances when a player is dice rolling the outcome of an action that does not involve another player, the /roll 1d6 should again be used, with a 1 to 3 indicating failure and 4 to 6 indicating success. Use of dice rolling must be reasonable, however, and not used in order to force actions that should require consent.

For example, it is reasonable to attempt to slap a character and dice roll the outcome, it would not be reasonable to dice roll kidnapping them without proper roleplay having taken place first.


Dice rolling is also an important aspect of the use of magic, please refer to the Magic section below for further information on this.


Dice roll PvP is allowed, but only for duels and, given it is not the default method of PvP on the server, requires all involved players to consent. If consent is not obtained, then the standard PvP rules apply.




The Conan universe is a low fantasy setting and although magic exists, it is more subtle than summoning fireballs and lightning bolts and its use comes with consequences. If you wish to roleplay


as a character capable of using magic, you must be willing to acknowledge these limitations and accept the consequences associated with sorcery.


If you wish to have a character with knowledge of sorcery, it is a requirement to have a background written and approved by the admin team. Once your character’s background is approved you will be tagged accordingly on Discord. Use of magic by a character without approval to do so should be reported to the admin team so that appropriate actions can be taken.


When using magic, success should be determined by the use of dice rolling. As discussed in the Dice Rolling section of the rules, you should use the /roll 1d6 command before emoting the outcome of a spell, with a 1 to 3 indicating failure and 4 to 6 indicating success.


Magic also cannot be used to metagame or to powergame, it must be used reasonably within the context of RP, e.g. you cannot use magic to automatically win a PvP encounter. Rituals targeting other players are allowed, but you must receive consent from the affected player and consequences of the ritual succeeding or failing should be agreed prior to it taking place.


As always, if you are in doubt as to whether the use of magic in a particular situation is reasonable, please speak with an admin.




Religion is a major aspect of the Conan universe. As such, religion should be a serious consideration when making a character.


Clans are allowed to have a single tier 3 altar for their god. If you wish to worship a god who is not included in-game, then you are welcome to do so, but you must speak with an admin if you wish to use any religious items available in-game but roleplay them as being related to a different god, e.g. using a Set altar as an altar to a god other than Set.


Voice RP


Text chat is the default method of RP on the server, but if you wish to voice RP for singing or communication in private, then common sense applies.




“Not in the streets”. Avoid any awkwardness or uncomfortable scenarios by keeping this kind of RP in private locations.




Chapter 5: Miscellaneous / Chat




The maximum clan size is 10 players in order to prevent the server from being dominated by a handful of large clans. Sister clans are not allowed, but roleplay alliances with other clans are allowed.




Alts are allowed on Ascension RP, but you must inform the admins if you wish to play an alt. Any alt you play must have no interaction with your character’s plot.




   - Global - General OOC talk, should not be used for arguments or whining, please speak with an admin if you have an issue.

   - Local - In-character unless otherwise specified, generally through the use of brackets around your text.

   - Clan - Chat for your clan only.

   - Whisper - Private communication.

Chapter 6: Social


Discord Rules


Be respectful

   - Do not attack, flame, troll, impersonate, be rude or aggressive, insult, berate any individuals, communities, companies, or organizations on this server. Attacks against others are not allowed on this server or in private messages. Please be tactful and civil.

   - Do not post comments that are discriminatory in nature. This includes posts that incite discrimination, hate or violence towards one person or a group because of their beliefs.

   - Do not engage users who are trolling, and instead report it to a Moderator. Remember, if someone else is breaking rules, it does not permit more rule breaking. Defending yourself isn't an excuse.

   - Do not use profanity or any creative form of bypassing the word filters.


Be constructive

   - Post your comments, opinions, and ideas in a constructive and respectful way. Off-topic comments, repetitive spamming, low-effort memes, crude rants, non-constructive complaints, and similar posting habits are not allowed.

   - Do not spam. Spam includes but is not limited to commercial posts, petitions, and posts containing all-caps.

   - Do not have a large percentage of your posts that are only negative rants. This is a form of trolling and incites more flaming and abusive posts.

   - Comparison is the thief of joy. Do not create threads or posts that compare games, companies, communities, or players. Discussing and comparing game features is allowed.

   - Do not start any comparison, advertising, selling, trying to buy, trading, begging for, “sign petition” threads, or solicit information from users. Please use this server to start conversation about ideas or thoughts on Ascension RP-PvP. Starting a discussion is a much more meaningful way to get a response from the community.


Keep it clean

   - Do not post spoilers.

   - Do not discuss or post links that contain or reference profane, defamatory, infringing, obscene, indecent or unlawful topics, names, material or information. This also includes pornography (only in NSFW channels), content that promotes cheating or griefing, information about hacking or modding content on a console, PC, or other device, spoilers , real or fake.



   - You remain solely responsible for the content of your messages on this server. You assume all responsibility from your posts, even if they are made by your little brother/sister/dog/Frankie.

   - If you see any posts that do not abide by one or more of the above guidelines, please tag a Moderator to bring it to their attention.

   - Do not tag Moderators or Admins unless you spot posts that do not abide by our guidelines. Reporting posts for any other reason will be considered an abuse.

   - Do not repost content a moderator has removed or post about moderation decisions. If you have a question or concern about a moderation decision, please private message the applicable moderator.

   - Do not create or use multiple accounts. Each person is allowed one account only. Alternate accounts will be permanently banned, and offending users will be subject to both temporary and permanent bans.


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