Terms of Use
Be respectful
- Do not attack, flame, troll, impersonate, be rude or aggressive, insult, berate any individuals, communities, companies, or organizations on this server. Attacks against others are not allowed on this server or in private messages. Please be tactful and civil.
- Do not post comments that are discriminatory in nature. This includes posts that incite discrimination, hate or violence towards one person or a group because of their beliefs.
- Do not engage users who are trolling, and instead report it to a Moderator. Remember, if someone else is breaking rules, it does not permit more rule breaking. Defending yourself isn't an excuse.
- Do not use offensive profanity or any creative form of bypassing the word filters.
Be constructive
- Post your comments, opinions, and ideas in a constructive and respectful way. Off-topic comments, repetitive spamming, low-effort memes, crude rants, non-constructive complaints, and similar posting habits are not allowed.
- Do not spam. Spam includes but is not limited to commercial posts, petitions, and posts containing all-caps
- Do not have a large percentage of your posts that are only negative rants. This is a form of trolling and incites more flaming and abusive posts.
- Comparison is the thief of joy. Do not create threads or posts that compare games, companies, communities, or players. Discussing and comparing game features is allowed.
- Do not start any comparison, advertising, selling, trying to buy, trading, begging for, “sign petition” threads, or solicit information from users. Please use this server to start conversation about ideas or thoughts on Ascension RP-PvP. Starting a discussion is a much more meaningful way to get a response from the community.
Keep it clean
- Do not post spoilers.
- Do not discuss or post links that contain or reference profane, defamatory, infringing, obscene, indecent or unlawful topics, names, material or information. This also includes pornography (only in NSFW channels), content that promotes cheating or griefing, information about hacking or modding content on a console, PC, or other device, spoilers, real or fake.
- You remain solely responsible for the content of your messages on this server. You assume all responsibility from your posts, even if they are made by your little brother/sister/dog/Frankie.
- If you see any posts that do not abide by one or more of the above guidelines, please tag a Moderator to bring it to their attention. - Do not tag Moderators or Admins unless you spot posts that do not abide by our guidelines. Reporting posts for any other reason will be considered abuse.
- Do not repost content a moderator has removed or post about moderation decisions. If you have a question or concern about a moderation decision, please private message the applicable moderator.
- Do not create or use multiple accounts. Each person is allowed one account only. Alternate accounts will be permanently banned, and offending users will be subject to both temporary and permanent bans.