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Riverrun's Tournament Games



There will be a period of 14 days when the event will be advertised on various Conan Exiles sites. This time will be used for players to scout the server out and try to prepare. Even though gear and a level boost will be provided to players that just want to participate in the event, players who play on the server can prepare their own things and get ready for the events.


For a player that just joins for the event the following will be provided:

   - Level 60 boost.

   - 2 sets of flawless epic gear of their choice. (1 for warm and 1 for cold climate).

   - 2 epic tier weapons of their choice + 2 weapons enchants of their choice.

   - 50 aloe potions.


If the players choose they can play on the server and prepare. Gather their own gear and consumables. That’s what the 14 days prior to the event are meant for.

The rules might be modified in the preparation of the event. Dates and rewards are final.

Event rules

Join the Arena, Roleplay, and War Events now!



50 $ worth of prizes !!!

Sunday 14.7.2019 - Champion of the Arena - 8 pm BST

This is a simple arena tournament. Whoever will fight his way to the last man standing will win a 10 $ Steam card. The players will be randomly put into brackets and then fight elimination rounds. The finale is best of 5, the semifinal is best of 3, the previous fights are single elimination. 


The following rules apply for this event:

   - No lifeblood spears or any other gear that gives you passive healing regeneration.

   - No consumables (food, potions, healing items, elixirs or poisons).

   - No weapons that apply poison.

   - No buffs whatsoever are allowed.


In the end, there will be one player randomly chosen from among the participants and will receive a Conan Exiles DLC of their choice. 

Saturday 20.7.2019 - Roleplay PVE Event - 8 pm BST

This will be a story driven RP event which will be made by the admins of the server. Since one can not judge RP, as every RP is awesome in its own way the winner will be randomly selected from the participant players. To be eligible for being chosen and receive the 10 $ Steam gift card you must simply show up, be in your character and participate until the end.


Sunday 28.7.2019 - War Event - 8 pm BST

This will be a Team Blue vs Team Red pvp event. Players will be randomly put into 2 teams which will battle it out. The battle will take 1 hour. In this time both teams must reach the objective and destroy the opposing teams beacon.  The winner who will receive the 10 $ Steam gift card will be the one who has the most points in this event. The points will be gathered as follows: 


   - You get 1 point for 1 enemy you kill.

   - You lose 2 points if you kill someone in your team.

   - You lose 1 point if you die. 

   - If your team manages to destroy the enemy's beacon, the points for every player in your team are doubled. Destroying the              beacon does not end the event. The event ends when 60 minutes are over. 

   - If you manage to kill the opposing team commander you get 2 points. The commander will be an admin which is on a slightly        buffed character and is harder to kill. 


The following rules apply for this event:


   - Players can bring their own consumables, everything they want. 

   - Players can bring their own gear and weapons that they own.

   - No thralls or pets are allowed. 

   - Bombs for the siege will be provided at the event.


In the end, there will be one player randomly chosen from among the participants and will receive a Conan Exiles DLC of their choice. 

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